Choose the correct option:

1.- The doctor …… in the local hospital now.
a) works b)is working
2.- Michael ……. shopping with his father on Saturdays.
a) goes b)is going
3.-Roberto ……. (catch) the bus in the morning.
a) catches b)is catching
4.- The girl often ……… (drink) milk for breakfast.
a) drinks b)is drinking
5.- It’s 9.00pm and my family


Ответ дал: nikitajecka234


1.- The doctor is working in the local hospital now.

2.- Michael goes shopping with his father on Saturdays.

3.-Roberto catches the bus in the morning.

4.- The girl often drinks milk for breakfast.


если вам подошло поставьте пожалуйста 5⭐ и "лучший ответ"

пятое вы не дописали

astraarpachieva: 1) is working b

2) goes. a

3)catches. a

4)drinks. a

5)is having. b

6) finishes. b

7)are reading a
Ответ дал: karinaprijmacuk639

Відповідь:1 – b) is working

2–a) goes



Пояснення: 100% правильно я розбираюсь в английськом

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