Complete the conversation with the correct form of will or be going to.

Mrs Jones: Edite, we 1......

take you to hospital. Then a doctor can look at your knee.
Edite: Who. 2..... take me, Mrs Jones?
Mrs Jones: I can, but would you like a friend to come too?

Edite: Yes, please. My brother, Rufus. I'm sure he 3..... want to come.

Mrs Jones: OK, I 4....... go and fetch him from class. Oh, look, there's Maisie!

Maisie: Hi, Mrs Jones. Edite, are you OK?

Edite: I fell over and Mrs Jones 5...... take me to hospital. Maisie, can you get Rufus, please?

Maisie: Sure, I 6...... text him now. And I 7....... pick up all your things. text

Edite: Thanks, Maisie. I 8........ miss our English lesson- can you take notes, please?

Maisie: Sure!

Mrs Jones: Don't worry, Edite, you 9....... be fine.​


Ответ дал: kitti77777

Mrs Jones: Edite, we are going to take you to hospital. Then a doctor can look at your knee.

Edite: Who. is going to take me, Mrs Jones?

Mrs Jones: I can, but would you like a friend to come too?

Edite: Yes, please. My brother, Rufus. I'm sure he is going to want to come.

Mrs Jones: OK, I will go and fetch him from class. Oh, look, there's Maisie!

Maisie: Hi, Mrs Jones. Edite, are you OK?

Edite: I fell over and Mrs Jones is going to take me to hospital. Maisie, can you get Rufus, please?

Maisie: Sure, I will text him now. And I will pick up all your things.

Edite: Thanks, Maisie. I am going to miss our English lesson- can you take notes, please?

Maisie: Sure!

Mrs Jones: Don't worry, Edite, you will be fine.

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