Speaking Task 4. In pairs make a dialog "Booking tickets for a performance". You can use these phrases: How can I help you? • I'd like to book two tickets for ... • • I'm sorry but it's sold out. How about the 9 p.m. show? • That sounds OK. • How much are the tickets? . Enjoy the show! ●​


Ответ дал: elyusha58


- Good morning, how can I help you today?

- Good morning! I'd like to book tickets for the upcoming performance of "Romeo and Juliet" on the 15th of next month.

- Of course, I can assist you with that. How many tickets would you like to book, and do you have a preference for seating?

- I'll need two tickets, and if possible, I'd like them to be in the center, preferably not too far from the stage.

- Let me check the seating availability. Yes, we have two excellent seats in the center for that date. Would you like anything else?

- No, that sounds perfect. How much will that be in total?

- The total for the two tickets will be $60. Would you like to pay for them now?

- Yes, I'll pay with my credit card.

- Great, I'll just need to take your card details. Thank you for booking with us. Your tickets will be available for collection at the box office on the day of the performance.

- Thank you so much for your help!

- You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the show!

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