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Первые 5 задание A,можно не делать



Ответ дал: ardrig09


Picture 1:

A - What tense are the following Passive sentences?

1) The new computer chip will be produced in Dresden.

a) Simple Present

b) Simple Past

c) Present Progressive

d) Will-future

2) The old vessel was being towed into harbour.

a) Simple Passive

b) Past Perfect

c) Present Progressive

d) Past Perfect Progressive

3) A song is going to be sung.

a) will-future

b) Present Progressive

c) Past Perfect

d) going-to-future

4) I'm being watched.

a) Present Progressive

b) Past -Progressive

c) Past Perfect

d) going-to-future

5) My car was broken into yesterday.

a) Simple Past

b) Simple Present

c) Present Perfect

d) Conditional I

6) The president will be elected.

a) Conditional I

b) will-future

c) Simple Present

d) Present Progressive

7) The dog is being taken to the vet's.

a) Simple Present

b) present perfect

c) present perfect progressive

d) past perfect

8) The tiger would be kept in the zoo.

a) Will-future

b) simple present

c) simple past

d) conditional i

9) The people had not been warned by the coastguards.

a) simple past

b) past perfect

c) simple present

d) past perfect progressive

10) The patient is being prepared for the major operation.

a) simple present

b) present perfect

c) past perfect

d) conditional i

B - Make Passive forms from the given phrases. Mind the tenses in brackets.

1) The house - paint - (PRESENT SIMPLE)

- The house is painted (PRESENT SIMPLE)

2) The letter - write - (PAST SIMPLE)

- The letter was written (PAST SIMPLE)

3) The cake - bake - (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

- The cake is being baked (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)

4) The window - break - (PAST PERFECT)

- The window had been broken (PAST PERFECT)

5) The flowers - water - (FUTURE SIMPLE)

- The flowers will be watered (FUTURE SIMPLE)

6) The book - read - (PRESENT PERFECT)

- The book has been read (PRESENT PERFECT)

7) The car - wash - (PAST PROGRESSIVE)

- The car was being washed (PAST PROGRESSIVE)

8) The phone - ring - (PRESENT SIMPLE)

- The phone is rung (PRESENT SIMPLE)

9) The homework - do - (FUTURE SIMPLE)

- The homework will be done (FUTURE SIMPLE)

10) The dishes - wash - (PRESENT PERFECT)

- The dishes have been washed (PRESENT PERFECT)

Picture 2:


- She must be written to.

- It was said that the President was ill.

- I was given the keys by the lady.

- An old bone is going to be shown to the students by the professor.

- A new computer software has been installed by Jack.

- A new type of washing powder is developed by them.

- It was said by whom?

- Sue was told to give up smoking by Rick.

- We were expected to build the road by them.

- The mountains were covered by snow.


1) The first computer was invented in the 1940's.

2) 1 was let go.

3) Yesterday a boy was injured in an accident in High Street.

4) She has been invited to Jack's birthday party.

5) The homework must be done by tomorrow.

6) The manager should have been told about the problem.

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ardrig09: Опять! Ни ответа, ни привета. Для чего делать такие обширные задания, если даже не можете поблагодарить сердечком или лучшим ответом? Для нас это нужно, особенно лучшие ответы, ведь без них просто снимут статус.
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