A tourist in your town/city asks you the way to the bank. Look at the map of a town below. Make a dialogue between you and the tourist. Give him/her directions from your place (red star) to the bank. Speak for both you and the tourist. Record your directions (40 - 60 seconds).



Ответ дал: GGeldar


Tourist: Excuse me, could you help me find the nearest bank?

You: Of course! You're here at the red star. Head south on this street for about three blocks until you reach Main Avenue. Turn left, and you'll see a park on your right. Walk through the park, and when you exit, take a right onto Oak Street. The bank is just two blocks down on the left side.

Tourist: Alright, got it. South three blocks, left on Main Avenue, through the park, and right on Oak Street. Thank you!

You: You're welcome! If you have any trouble, feel free to ask someone else along the way. Safe travels!

GGeldar: лучший ответ пожалуйста
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