Допоможіть будь ласка!
Треба написати по англіськи про свій день.
Допоможіть. даю 30 балів


Ответ дал: zlatapepsi


My day

On working days, i wake up at 7 o'clock. Right after that, i wash my face and come to kitchen to have breakfast. When my mother isn't busy, she makes breakfast for the whole family, but usually she's in a hurry to work, so i have to make it for myself. My usual breakfast is fried egg with ham and tomatoes or chocolate cereal with milk. After breakfast, i get dressed, take my bag and leave home. It takes me about 10 minutes to come to school. I'm at school for about 6 hours, it depends on the day. When I'm back home, I have lunch and go to sleep usually, because I'm so. tired after all the lessons. Twice a week i have a basketball training, so i go there on Mondays and Wednesdays. After training i have dinner, go. to the shower, brush my teeth and do other before-sleeping routine. Normally i go to bed at about 11 pm.

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