Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.
I…..(go) to the town centre with Ralph to buy a present for Jacob.I…..(get) him a pair of headphones.I’m sure He…….(like) that.I hope they…..(not/be) Too expensive.Ralph has said he……(lend) me some money if mine isn't enough. Would you like to join us? Don't worry, we….(not/spend)all day at the shops.After we buy Jacob’s present,we…..(see)a fim at the cinema. At least, that's the plan. They're showing a new sci-fi film. It……(start) at 7:30.We….(probably/have)pizza after the film.


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1 will go, 2 will get, 3 will like, 4 won't be, 5 will lend, 6 won't spend, 7 will see, 8 will start, 9 will probably have

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