5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 He remember. (work) here ever since I can 2 He 3 We 4 We 5 'Something's wrong with the laptop.' 'Yes, I know. (take) it to the computer shop 1 tomorrow morning.' (work) here a couple of years ago. (not/see) her yet. (just/see) her. 6 'Oh, this laptop is always going wrong!' 'All right; (take) it to the computer shop right 1 away.' 7 If an election is held now, Mr Hilton elected. Mr Hilton (be)​



Ответ дал: HayatEle

1. has been working

2. worked

3. haven't seen

4. have just seen

5. will take

6. will take

7. will be

8. would be

9. were arrested

10. had already left

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