Imagine that you are invited to the primary school to make a short presenta-
tion about the work of your city services. Use the pictures on the previous page
to illustrate your presentation.
Remember to say:
what the role of your city services is
how they respond to bad weather
if you would like to be a utility worker, why/why not

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Ответ дал: aesexx


Good day, everyone! Today, I'm excited to talk about the superheroes of our city – our dedicated city services. Let's dive in and explore their remarkable role in keeping our community thriving.

Firstly, city services are like the unsung heroes working behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. From waste management to maintaining our parks, they contribute to the cleanliness, safety, and overall well-being of our city.

Now, let's look at how these incredible teams respond to bad weather. As you can see in these pictures, during challenging times like heavy snowfall or storms, our city services are out there, clearing roads and ensuring that our streets are safe for everyone. They work tirelessly to keep our city functioning, even when the weather tries to slow us down.

Now, the big question: Would I like to be a utility worker? While I'm passionate about contributing to our community, my interests lie in different areas. However, I have enormous respect for utility workers. Their dedication to facing challenges head-on, especially in tough weather conditions, is truly admirable. They are the real-life heroes making sure we can go about our daily lives without disruptions.

In conclusion, let's give a round of applause to our city services – the heart and soul of our community. If you have any questions about their work or anything else, feel free to ask!

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