4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from exercise 1. 1 Imet my mother's friend and we 2 Can you see me? I'm 3 Luke fell over and 4 work now. My two cats look as if they really playing. hands. 8 Sorry, I didn't mean to Are you OK? at you. Look up! his phone. It doesn't but they're 5 No, Sophia! Don't. 6 After the wonderful performance, everyone. 7 Can you help me? This box is very heavy and I can't it any longer. you on the head! a face like that. It's not nice.​


Ответ дал: pochka2548



1. I met my mother's friend and we chatted for a while.

2. Can you see me? I'm waving my hand.

3. Luke fell over and hurt his knee.

4. I'm working now. My two cats look as if they are playing.

5. No, Sophia! Don't touch that.

6. After the wonderful performance, everyone applauded.

7. Can you help me? This box is very heavy and I can't lift it any longer.

8. Sorry, I didn't mean to throw that at you. Look up!

Ответ дал: akkauntpodpiscik


1. I met my mother's friend and we talked for hours.

2. Can you see me? I'm waving my hands.

3. Luke fell over and hurt his knee.

4. I'm working now. My two cats look as if they're playing.

5. No, Sophia! Don't look at you. Look up!

6. After the wonderful performance, everyone applauded.

7. Can you help me? This box is very heavy and I can't hold it any longer.

8. Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you on the head! It doesn't have a face like that. It's not nice.



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