!!! ТЕРМІНОВО!!! Англійська!​



Ответ дал: Iwonа


1 The day before yesterday we were invited to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

2 Look! The bridge is being repaired.

3 The letter and the parcel will be posted tomorrow.

4 Margaret is known to be a very industrious person.

5 In Greece the Olympic Games were held once in four years.

6 The problem has been studied for three yeas, but they haven't got any results.

7 This book will have been republished by the end of September.

8 The doctor said that Tommy's leg would be X-rayed the following day.

9 A police car came when the injuried man was being carried off the road.

10 I was born in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

11 Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage had already been packed.

12 What a pity, John won't come. He should have been told about the meeting beforehand.  


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