срочно помогите буду очень рад даю все бали​



Ответ дал: Iwonа



1 ask a lot of questions

2 listen carefully

3 take care of yourself

4 start again

5 have clear goals

6 try new things

7 plan your time well

8 take time off


1 Listen carefully to other people. They can help you!

2 It's really important to have clear goals.

3 It's also important to plan your time well.

4 Remember that if you make a mistake, you can start again.

5 Remember to take care of yourself - eat good food and get lots of sleep.

6 Take time off work. It's important not to work too hard.

7 Don't always do the same things. It's good to try new things, too!

8 It's useful to ask a lot of questions when you learn something new.


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