Writing Task Choose one of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing. Write about 45-65 word. Answer all the questions. ✓ Use prepositions of time, location and direction. Topic 1. Our countryside magine that this is the place you live. Write how you travel to the book shop from ouse/apartment. Where are you now? What is the name of the main street you take on the left and on the right? What places do you go pass? What side do you take at the round about? What street is the book shop you need? police hospital station King's Road cinema theatre Green Street post office library ***​


Ответ дал: nastyusha2020
I am currently at home on Elm Street. To reach the bookstore, I head left on Main Street, passing the post office and library. At the roundabout, I take the second exit. The bookstore, situated on King's Road, is between the police station and the hospital.
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