Past simple: regular verbs (4) Complete the text with the past simple fo of the verbs in brackets. 1 Yesterday, I'___ walked friends. We 2 3 4 (play) games and (laugh) a lot. At school, we (talk) about jobs. Mr. Brown (ask) us: 'What job do you want t do?' Jenny wants to be a photographer. She 6 (show) us some photos. Then we (watch) a film. We a (listen) to young people talking about jobs. Ever VC 9 (want) to be an actor. Not me. Wh, (arrive) home, I" J 5 7 (walk) to school with 10 1 2 dinner ... because I want to be a chef! 3 4 (co 5 6 Tota 7
Пжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжпж даю 20 баллов​


Ответ дал: kristishka89916


Yesterday, I walked friends. We played games and laughed a lot. At school, we told about jobs. Mr. Brown asked us: 'What job do you want t do?' Jenny wants to be a photographer. She shown us some photos. Then we watched a film. We all listened to young people talking about jobs. Ever VC wanted to be an actor. Not me. When, arrive home, I walked to school with dinner ... because I want to be a chef!

ajzereamangeldi010: Спс
i2629174: пг
i2629174: не понятно
knurgali59: Спс
Ответ дал: lilatipcam
1 ничего
2 played, laughed
3 talked asked
4 showed watched
5 listened wanted
6 arrived
7 walked
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