FEELING ILL Exercise 4. Which person in the picture: • • ● has got a fever? O has got a toothache? O has got a sore throat? O has got cold? O has got an earache? O is going to be sick? O has got a cough? O has got a headache? O keeps sneezing? O has got a leg that hurts? O T SURGERY​


bota31696: не за что


Ответ дал: kristishka89916


D- has got a fever. F- has got a toothache. H- has got a sore throat. J- has got cold. A- has got an earache. B- is going to be sick. C- has got a cough. I- has got a headache. G- keeps sneezing. E- has got a leg that hurts.

bota31696: Спосибо
batalzunusov: Спс
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