Задать вопросы (She had translated,theree articles by 5 oclock yesterdey),(We player football after the lessons yesterdey),(They will meet her at thee bus station next yesterdey)


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. She had translated three articles by 5 o'clock yesterday.

Общий: Had she translated three articles by 5 o'clock yesterday?
Разделительный: She had translated three articles by 5 o'clock yesterday, hadn't she?
Альтернативный: Had she translated three articles by 5 o'clock or by 6 o'clock yesterday?
Специальный: What time had she translated three articles by?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who had translated three articles by 5 o'clock yesterday?

2. We played football after the lessons yesterday.

Общий: Did we play football after the lessons yesterday?
Разделительный: We played football after the lessons yesterday, didn't we?
Альтернативный: Did we play football or basketball after the lessons yesterday?
Специальный: What did we play after the lessons yesterday?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who played football after the lessons yesterday?

3. Неверно до невозможности.
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