Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время
1.I (go) to school every day
2.He often (swim) in the river
3.They (visit) London last year.
4.Misha (be) in the park last monday
5.I (play) chess tomorrow
6. Nick (not go) to the zoo yesterday
7. My mum (watch) TV every evening
8. I usually (not get up) at 7 o clock
9.We (not read) books tomorrow
10.It (be) snowy next winter


Ответ дал: annamilagro
1)go 2)swims 3)visited 4)was 5) will play 6) didn't go 7)watchs 8)don't get up 9)will not read 10)will 
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