2. Раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect
1. They (already, do) this hard work.
2. I (not…yet, see) a new film.
3. We (last year, have) the bright holidays.
4. When you ( buy) your bike?
5. You (already, decide) what to do?
6. My niece (not, three weeks ago, come) to us. She (visit) her friends. Помогите пожалуйста!)


Ответ дал: weedme
1)they have already done... 2)i have not seen a new film yet. 3)we have...last year. 4)when did you buy... 5)you have already decided... 6)my niece did not come to us three weeks ago. she visited her friends.
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