поставьте предложение в  active Voice
1 He was exhausted by his hard work
2 My pen was taken by somebody
3 He said his wallet had been stolen by someone
4 Their steps were heard by us
5 Look Someone is being attacked
6 Who has been invited to dinner by Tom?
7 Lis said the fish had been eaten by her cat
8 All the books were left at home by me
9 Anew rule is being learn by the pupils at the moment1
0 This story was written by my brother
11 The cloy has already been taken for a walk
12 I was promised a new computer by mu parents
13 The work can be finished by Cristy
14 The agreement will be reached by them tomorrow
15 The bicycle was being repaired by my father at seven o,clock


Ответ дал: Werrina
1 His hard work exhausted him.
2 Somebody took my pen.
3 He said someone had stolen his wallet.
4 We heard their steps.
5 Look! Someone is being attacked (НИЧЕГО НЕ ПРОПУЩЕНО????)
6 Whom has Tom invited to dinner?
7 Lis said her cat had eaten the fish.
8 I left all the books at home .
9 The pupils are learning a new rule at the moment
10 My brother wrote this story
11 The cloy has already been taken for a walk (ПРАВИЛЬНО НАПИСАНО??)
12 My parents promised me a new computer.
13 Cristy can finish the work.
14 They will reach the agreement tomorrow.
15 My father was repairing the bicycle at seven o'clock.
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