1-I thought she....everything by our arrival,but i....wrong.   варианты:will have done,had been;  would have been doing,have been; will do,am;  would have done,was.                                       2-  He  has said that he.....at 7 o'clock. варианты: will have come; would have come; will come; would come.                                                                                                                           3-we said that by the time she....us up she.....for two hours. варианты-picks,will have been driving;  would pick,would have driven;  picked,would have been driving;  would have picked,would be driving.
4- he has said he.....the book by the time i....him to give it back.варианты- will  have read,ask; would have been reading,had asked; would have read,asked; will have read,have asked.



Ответ дал: Werrina
1) would have done, was
2) will come
3) would have picked, would be driving.
4) will have read, ask

raverina: Почему во втором "will come"? Разве не "would"?
Werrina: Потому что сказуемое has said (Present Perfect) . Если бы было said (Past), то было бы would
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