помогите пожалуйста задание Here are the answers. What are the questions beginning  what 'Who' Example - 
 Who is working in the garden 
 ответ I am
 1 .................................................... .?
 ответ We are. 
 2 ..................................................... 
 ответ He is.
 3 ..................................................... 
 ответ They do.
 4 ..................................................
... ?
 ответ You are. 
 5 ..................................................... 
 ответ She does. 
 6 ..................................................... 
 ответ I do.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1 Who is cleaning the room now? ответ We are.
2 Who is singing in the next room?
ответ He is.
3 Who lives in London?
ответ They do.
4 Who is on duty today?
ответ You are.
5 Who speaks English well?
ответ She does.
6 Who does homework every day?
ответ I do.

12312312319092003: спасибо большое
Werrina: ))
Nguyen: Very good. Thank you very much
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