Medicine and health
Circle the correct words.
1.He fell over in town and broke his leg. An ambulance / injection took him to hospital.
2.I went to the doctor and she gave me a surgeon / an injection.
3.If you carry that heavy bag, you might hurt/ pain yourself.
4.I hit my leg this morning, and now it's really hurt / sore.
5.Thousands of people are ill - it's a big epidemic / cold.
6.She's got a headache and a very high temperature / pain.
7.My uncle had to see the doctor because of the sore / pain it his back.
8.Some doctors in Britain complain that they've got too many injections / patients.


Ответ дал: Espresso
1 ambulance 
2 an injection 
3 hurt 
4 sore 
5 epidemic 
6 high temperature 
7 pain 
8 patients 

Asem05: нет
Asem05: An ambulance took him to hospital .
I went to the doctor and she gave me an injection.
If you carry that heavy bag, you might hurt.
I hit my leg this morning, and now it's really sore.
Thousands of people are ill - it's a big epidemic.
She's got a headache and a very high temperature .
My uncle had to see the doctor because of the pain it his back.
Some doctors in Britain complain that they've got too many patients.
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