Помогите пожалуйста

1. Отметьте правильный вариант использования видовременной формы.
1. When she returned, the house was empty because everyone ___________. a) left                      b) had left                      c) was leaving  
 2. The house _______ ten years ago. a) was built                      b) built                      c) had built  
3. They just_______ from a long trip to the United States. a) came                      b) had come                      c) have come
  4. The child _______ by a dog. a) has bitten                      b) has been bitten                      c) bit  
 5. We hoped the weather _______ fine. a) would be                      b) will be                      c) is  
 6. The newspapers already_______ a) were brought                      b) have been brought                      c) are brought
   7. If he _______, I’ll write a letter to him. a) doesn’t phone                      b) won’t phone                      c) didn’t phone
  8. This place _______ by many tourists last year. a) visited                      b) was visited                      c) is visited  
 Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее слово из предложенных.
1. I do not like _______ my homework. a) making                      b) doing                      с)   getting  
 2. She hasn’t _______ me anything. a) said                      b) told                      c) spoke  
3. Have I _______ any mistakes in this test? a) done                      b) taken                      c) made
  4. I think you speak English very _______ this year. a) well                      b) good                      c) better  
 5. Are there _______ mistakes in my test? a) some                      b) any                      c) much
  6. You have very _______ mistakes in this test. a) few                      b) a few                      c) little  
Упражнение 3. Вставьте нужный предлог.  
1. She never listens ____ classical music. 2. He seldom agrees ____ me. 3. I addressed them ____ English. 4. They complained ____ bad transport. 5. The teacher is not satisfied ____ my answer. 6. He doesn’t live ____ this area.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. b) had left
2. a) was built
3. c) have come
4. b) has been bitten
5. a) would be
6. b) have been brought
7. a) doesn’t phone
8. b) was visited

1 b) doing
2. b) told
3. c) made
4. a) well
5. b) any
6. a) few

# 3.
1. She never listens to classical music.
2. He seldom agrees with me.
3. I addressed them in English.
4. They complained about bad transport.
5. The teacher is not satisfied with my answer.
6. He doesn’t live in this area.

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