Пожалуйста, помогите мне. Вставьте слова /Clares mother sometimes cooks lunch for the family. Last Sunday she (0) cooked fish. 
Elaine often listens to jazz music . She (1) __to the jazz concert last evening.
Celia often stays with her brother after classes. Yesterday she (2) __witth him, too. 
The Atkinsons travel a lot. Last summer they (3) __around Scotland. 
Now they are in Spain. Last month they (4) __ in France. The Wellers usually go to Disneyland on holiday, but last year they (5)____ to England. 
Megan swims a lot in the pool. Last summer holidays she (6)___ in the river every day.


Ответ дал: жеже
1. listened
2. stayed
3. travelled
4. were
5. went
6. swam
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