Завершите предложения соответствующими словами. Дана первая буква слова
Everybody admired her
o_____________ performance as Ophelia.

The children were e_____________
excited about their trip to Disneyland.

He is such an attractive young man
that most girls f_____________ for him the moment they set eyes on him.

Romeo was certainly the most
difficult p_____________ in the play.

I’m not easily frightened but the
film was so s_____________ that I kept my eyes closed most of the time.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. Everybody admired her outstanding performance as Ophelia.
2. The children were extremely excited about their trip to Disneyland.
3. He is such an attractive young man that most girls fancy for him the moment they set eyes on him.
4. Romeo was certainly the most difficult part in the play.
5. I’m not easily frightened but the film was so scary that I kept my eyes closed most of the time.
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