Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1) Poor Kate! She __ her leg.
a) broke         b) had broken
c) has broken    d) is breaking
2) Ann Rowley was only twenty-three when she ___ as a Memberof Parliament.
a) elected    b) was elected
c) had elected   c) had been elected
3) At the station they (meet) by a man.
a) will meet       b) will met
c) will be met    c) will be meeting
4) «I think the film was a huge success» — said Peter. Peter said that … .
a) he thinks the film was a huge success.
b) he thought the film was a huge success.
c) he thought the film had been a huge success.
d) I thought the film had been a huge success.
5) Mrs. Blake asked me when … .
a) I had heard him play.
b) she has heard him play.
c) I have heard his play.
d) she hears my playing.
6) «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me. Tom promised me that … come to the meeting.
a) if he would        b) he would
c) he will                d) I would
7) «Please close the window, my son», — asked mother.
a) does close   b) to close   c) closed  d) will close
8) John wishes he ___ all the chocolates.
a) hadn’t eaten        b) had eaten
c) didn’t eat            d) wouldn’t eat
9) We wish we ___ a dog.
a) have    b) had had     c) had     d) would have
10) I wish I ___ more comfortable shoes.
a) bought       b) didn’t buy
c) have bought    d) had bought
11) I wish you ____ something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.
a) would do   b) did
c) had done      d) would have done
12) It is raining. Jill wants to go out, but not in the rain. She says: I wish it ___ raining.
a) stopped      b) had stopped
c) would stop    d) could stop
13) He … when he told that he had never heard it before.
a) was laughed    b) was laughed at
c) was being laughed at   d) laughed
14) This test … by a great number of students, so you can do it as well.
a) has passed   b) has been passed
c) have passed   d) passes
15) The official report … by the end of this week.
a) will be written      b) is being written
c) will have been written    d) is written

Espresso: сделала все вопросы


Ответ дал: Espresso
1) Poor Kate! She __ her leg.
c) has broken 
2) Ann Rowley was only twenty-three when she ___ as a Memberof Parliament.
 b) was elected
3) At the station they (meet) by a man.
c) will be met 
4) «I think the film was a huge success» — said Peter. Peter said that … .
c) he thought the film had been a huge success.
5) Mrs. Blake asked me when … .
a) I had heard him play.
6) «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me. Tom promised me that … come to the meeting.
 b) he would
7) «Please close the window, my son», — asked mother. - ЗДЕСЬ ЧТО-ТО НЕ ТАК, но должно по идее быть Mother asked her son _to close_ the window. 
a) does close b) to close c) closed d) will close
8) John wishes he ___ all the chocolates.
a) hadn’t eaten 
9) We wish we ___ a dog.
c) had 
10) I wish I ___ more comfortable shoes.
 d) had bought
11) I wish you ____ something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.
a) would do 
12) It is raining. Jill wants to go out, but not in the rain. She says: I wish it ___ raining.
c) would stop 
13) He … when he told that he had never heard it before.
b) was laughed at
14) This test … by a great number of students, so you can do it as well.
b) has been passed
15) The official report … by the end of this week.
c) will have been written 
16) What … to help you avoid the punishment?
a) can be done 
17) A lot of money … since we established this fund. Hopefully, we will have raised the whole sum by the end of the year.
d) has been donated
18) Rarely ___ such beautiful landscapes!
a) have I seen 
19) No sooner ___ to the cinema than I realized that I had forgotten to take the ticket with me.
 c) had I gone
20) If the sun (rise) high, it (become) very hot.
c) rises, will become 
21) If I (have) a million dollars, I (buy)a big house.
 b) had, ‘d buy
22) It was Chris ___ told me the truth.
 b) who
23) He did not know what his fate had in store for him.
a) Hardly did he know what his fate had in store for him. - не уверена
24) We are going to the supermarket ___ buy a bottle of milk.
 b) to 
25) I’m afraid I can’t meet you on Sunday ___ we arranged.
 b) as
26) She spoke to me ___ we had known each other for a long time.
a) as if 
27) I knew that her bus arrived ——-, therefore I was at the station 15 minutes before it.
b) on time
28) My friend, ___ is very talented, is arriving today.
 c) who 
29) I want to ask my journalist friend if Aquarium ___ more shows in 2010.
 d) is going to play
30) I need to know if chickens___ teeth.
 c) have 

ДоброгоВремениСуток2: Вы не представляете, КАК мне помогли!!!!! СПАСИБО ГРОМАДНОЕ
ДоброгоВремениСуток2: И ещё раз спасибо))))
Espresso: Не за что :)
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