Заполните пропуски предлогами,где это необходимо    1. A lot ... studenta go ... college every year. My friends son is ... college now,and my son is going ... college next year. 2.I dont ling playing ... football,but i often play ... tennis ... work weekdays, and ... the week and too. 3.Anns children were ... hospital last week.They are ... home now,and they are doing very well. 4. "When did you discuss ... those questions last?" "We discussed ... them the day ... yesterday." 5. Peter is going ... hospital ...two days. 6. I stayed ... home ... ten yesterday morning.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. A lot OF students go TO college every year.
My friends son is AT college now, and my son is going TO college next year.
2. I don't like playing ___ football, but I often play ___ tennis AFTER work ON weekdays, and AT the week-end too.
3.Anns children were IN hospital last week. They are AT home now,and they are doing very well.
4. "When did you discuss ___ those questions last?" "We discussed ___ them the day BEFORE yesterday."
5. Peter is going TO hospital IN two days.
6. I stayed AT home TILL ten yesterday morning.

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