Fill in: often, always, usually, never, rarely, sometimes.
1. A: How .............. do you play Scrabble with Leslie and John?
B: We play every Monday and Wednesday night.
2. A: Do you ........ play on the same days?
B: No, we ......... play on Sundays, too.
3. A: I ......... play Srabble. I dont understand the game.
B: Dont worry, i ll show you. I am ....... good at teaching people new things.
4. A: I am only free on Tuesdays.
B: Sorry, but we ....... play on Tuesdays. We have to study for Maths!

Где dont между n и t запятая сверху и где i ll там тоже запятая.
Прошу помогите!!!


Ответ дал: ShamanCat
1.often 2.usually sometimes 3.never Always 4.rarely

Максим2024: спасибо выручил
ShamanCat: Я девчонка.
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