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I get (1) … fairly well with my parents. However, last night we had one of (2) …. worst quarrels we’ve had for years! It was my brother (3) … started the trouble. He asked me if he (4) … borrow my Walkman and when I refused he just went into my bedroom and took it. When I complained (5) … Mum, she told (6) … not to be so childish. She said I ought to be a bit (7) …. generous. I was annoyed but I didn’t say any more. I went upstairs to finish my homework, (8) … I thought would take about an hour. After that, I planned to go out. My friends suggested (9) …. to a disco and I had agreed to meet (10) …. there. I knew I would be home (11) … than usual. I thought I (12) … better ask Dad if that would be okay. He usually (13) … me do what I want, because he knows I’m not as irresponsible (14) … my brother. But this time he refused (15) … allow me to go out alone. He wanted me to go to the disco with my brother! He said that (16) … I agreed to go with him, I couldn’t go at (17) …! We had a terrible argument. The (18) … I protested, the angrier he became. (19) … the end, he ordered me to go to my bedroom, (20) … I spent a very boring evening. I haven’t forgiven my brother yet!


Ответ дал: marinakrenitskaya
1. on 
2. the
3. who
4. could
5. to
6. me
7. more
8. which
9. going
10. them
11. later
12. had
13. lets
14. as
15. to
16. unless
17. all
18. more
19. in
20. where
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