Сочинение на тему:"Как мы можем помочь инвалидам"на 8 приложений


Ответ дал: elizkarapetyan
I think people with disabilities should be treated just like you and me because they have feelings too. How would you feel if you were the one left out? I have a sister that is four years old and she has disabilities. She has CP because her brain isn't working right.She should get to go to the park so she can have fun on the swings and the slides. I get to go to the park near our house sometimes but she doesn't. The park should be for everybody, but there isn't any equipment that she can use. If she could go on the swings she would need to have a special swing.She should get to go out to restaurants. Some places don't have a ramp for my sister's wheelchair that she sits in to eat. Sometimes she tries to sit in a high chair, but she always slides out. Sometimes people whisper about her, and sometimes people point at her. It's not nice to make fun of people with disabilities. It can hurt their feeling and sometimes it hurts my feelings too.Kids with disabilities should be able to go to school, so maybe their brains can start to work better. They should be allowed to try to do the same things as all of the other kids. Sometimes they might need some extra help. Sometimes they need other people to help them, like extra teachers or some other kids. And sometimes they need special equipment to help them too.Sometimes people with disabilities need their own places too. At McDonalds, there is a ball pit that I can play in with other kids, but my sister can't. They need to have a ball pit that isn't too deep where the adults can help the kids who need it.Here are some staps to help disabled peolpe .
1.Treat them like you would anyone else, people with disabilities are just people, and do not deserve or need to be coddled or treated differently.
2.Do not treat their disability as something to be ashamed of. This is dehumanizing, and intentional or unintentional, it is "ableism" (discrimination against people with disabilities).
Be there for them like any other friend.
Stand up for their rights. If someone is rude or mean because of the disability, stand up for them like you would anyone else.
Treat them the way you would treat any other human being. Laugh, cry or be friends with them like the way you would any other friend.
Treat them with the respect we all deserve.
7.Ask if they need help before helping. We all have the right to be independent.

vovaandann: А можно немного меньше сочинение по обьему
Ответ дал: daryacosenkowa
Инвалиды это тоже люди. Да,может они немного другие,не такие как мы,но и они имеют право не быть высмеяными, поруганными. Я считаю,что помощь,которую может оказать каждый из нас инвалидам -это уважение! Мы должны уважать и любить этих людей несмотря на то,что они не такие как мы. Но если задуматься ,можно понять,что каждый из нас может стать инвалидом. Поэтому ,когды ты или твой друг смется над бабушкой колясочницей,которая не а состоянии поднять упавший шарфик помни,что таким можешь быть и ты! Нужно проявлять больше заботы,милосердия,любви к таким людям! Многое они не в состоянии сделать сами, а мы -здоровые ,в состоянии им помочь!
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