Срочно надо! много баллов!
Use the correct tense forms:
1) We . . . (walk) in the woods when it . . . (start) raining.
2) How . . . (you/go) to work? By car, but today I . . . (go) by bus.
3) He . . . (ride) his bicycle to school when he . . . (see) the accident.
4) She . . . (lose) weight since the last time I saw her.
5) They . . . (talk) to Pete if he comes.
6) It's cold here. I . . . (turn) the heater.


Ответ дал: Salvatore1337
were walking, stated
do you go? I went
was riding , saw
has lost
will talk (не верен)
will turn (не уверен)
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