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When he (return) the book I (understand) at once that he (not read) it. Hardly the actor (finish) this famous monologue when the audience (begin) applauding. After I (collect) all the documents I (check) them thoroughly. When James (be) small he always (cry). Kate (punish) her son because he (tell) her a lie. Mother (lay) the table for breakfast when I (wake) up. When the clock (strike) twelve everything around us (begin) to change. When we (go) out the rain already (stop) and the sun (shine). Professor Black (say) at the conference that he (work) at this problem for more than ten years and (not find) a solution yet. Before I (visit) Italy I (read) everything I could find about the traditions of this country


Ответ дал: cлюда
1retured.understood.hadn't read.
2had finished.began
3had collected.checked
5punished.had told
6had laid.woke
7had struck.began
8went.had already stopped
9said.had worked(had been working).hadn't found
10visited.had read
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