portfolio: Think of a film you have seen recently. Answer the questions, then write a short film review of it. Use the texts in Ex. 2 as a model (30-40 5-9 класс


1.What is the name/ type of the film?
2. Who directed it
3. Who stars in it?
4. What is the film about?
5. What do you think of the film?

андрей19669: Стой
андрей19669: Не пеши
андрей19669: Тема Один дома


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Last week I saw Sherlock.It is a detective television series.It is directed by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.Benedict Cumberbatch plays the leading role.Martin Freeman stars as Doctor John Watson.The film has a gripping plot and amazing special effects. Actually,I was impressed how Sherlock had solved mysterious crimes!Also,I like soundtracks and music.I would highly recommend this film!
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