You have received an email from an English friend who has just moved to a new town and is feeling very lonely. Write an e-mail of 50-80 words to your friend in which you: - apologise for not writing sooner - say that you understand how your friend feels - give advice on what your friend can do to feel less lonely.


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

Dear friend,

Thanks for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you! I am sorry I haven’t written for a long time, but I was busy with my project at school.  

I understand how you feel because once I also had to stay alone at one place for some time. I can advise you to find a hobby that will entertain you, for instance, drawing, walking around the town, etc. This will help!

Write back soon.

Best wishes,

[Твоё имя]

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