Ответьте на вопросы на англиском ,и выберите на свое усмотрение мультфильм . Пжжжж помогите буду благодарна


liz172: Какой мульт нравится?
Azizavolodiba: Золушка


Ответ дал: полина13141516171819

I like this cartoon because it has a lot of songs, very beautiful songs. I liked the main character (horse). This cartoon is called Spirid: The soul of the prairies. I liked the most part when the main character was caught by people and tried to commit it, but I liked it, because it was great to watch that Ka Spirid did not let him calm down. I advise you to watch this entertaining cartoon for everyone!

полина13141516171819: Я написала не про Золушку,прости!!
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