Напишите пожалуйста письмо 90 - 110 слов
You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mark.
... My friend can leave litter like sweet wrappers anywhere in the street by accident or on purpose. Once I even fell out with him over that.
... What problems do you have with your friends? What do you and your friends fall out over? Can you say that your friends are eco-friendly, why/why not?


Ответ дал: Juli20101
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your letter. Sorry, i haven't written for a long time, because i was so busy at school.
I think you should tell your friend not to leave litter in the street. There're special rubbish bins, so we can use them. If we want to live in beautiful cities, we should keep streets clean.
As for me and my friends, we don't have many problems. We always try to reach a compromise when we disagree with each other. And we're eco-friendly, we never drop litter in the streets and usually try to sort it.
It's the smallest thing we can do for the environment.
Well, i have to go now. I'm looking forward for your next letter.
Best wishes, *name*

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