Раскройте скобки:
1 Our parents (not to watch) TV in the afternoon
2 She (not to wake up) at six o`clock
3 He usually (not to make) the bed in the morning
4 Her cousin (not to have) breacfast at seven o'clock
5 I usually (not to come) home at twelwe o'clock
6 They (not to go) to school at seven o'clock
7 We (not to like) to play leap-grog
8 My grandmother usually (to go) to bed at ten o'clock
9 His father (not to go) shopping every day


Ответ дал: alinkaVIP
1. don't watch
2. doesn't wake up
3. doesn't make
4. doesn't have
5. don't come
6. don't go
7. don't like
8. goes
9. doesn't go 
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