put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditionals.
24. you.....(lose) weight if you give up junk food.
25. if you....(not water) plants,they die.
26. if i...(be) you, i would start training for the marathon soon.
27. if the match...(start)late, we will miss the bus home.
28 if he ran faster, he ....(win) a medal.
29. i won`t join the zumba class unless you ...(join) me.


Ответ дал: nunny

24. you will (lose) weight if you give up junk food.

25. if you....(do not water) plants,they die.

26. if i...(were) you, i would start training for the marathon soon.

27. if the match...(starts) late, we will miss the bus home.

28 if he ran faster, he would (win) a medal.

29. i won`t join the zumba class unless you (join) me.

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