Present Perfect. Make up sentences from the words.

1. always, in the country, has, his Granny, lived.

2. hasn't, yet, he, paid, the bill.

3. watered, Carol, lately, has, the flowers.

4. planted, she, never, in the garden, flowers, has.

5. a call, hasn't, Nan, to me, given.

6. haven't, at the theatre, I, this evening, met, my friend.

7. yet, finished, the workers, the work, haven't.

8. never, my aunt, with, cooked, has, meat, pies.

9. taken, from the library, I, just, have, some magazines.


Ответ дал: ohshhhtt
1. His granny has always lived in the county.
2. He hasn’t payed the bill yet.
3. Carol has lately watered the flowers.
4. She has never planted flowers in the garden.
5. Nan hasn’t given a call to me.
6. I haven’t met my friend at the theatre this evening.
7. The workers haven’t finished the work yet.
8. My aunt has never cooked meat with pies.
9. I have just taken some magazines from the library.

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