Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.
1.-How … (you/spell) your name?
-Here, I’ll write it down for you.
-You … (have) unusual handwriting. It … (look) very artistic.
2.-Bill told me that he’d $50,000 on a birthday present for his girlfriend. I think it was a joke.
-He can’t … (spend) that much.
-I think you must … (mishear) him.
3.I noticed a girl … (shoplift). I saw her … (take) a bottle of perfume from a shelf and … (put) it in her bag.
4.I … (sunbathe) all morning, and now I’m bright red and very sore.
5.We are looking forward to … (take) on a tour of Athens by our Greek friends.
6.My friend Jessica … (change) several jobs in the past few years. She … (work) as a nurse before she … (decide) she wanted to do something different. She trained to be a primary school teacher last year. At the moment she work in a temporary job in a school near Leeds.
7.There’s somebody behind us. I think we … (follow).
8.- Jack your group is singing at the fund raiser next weekend. Is that right? By three o’clock, how long … (you/sing)?
- About half an hour.Why?
-There’s a rock band from the high school that wants to start at three.
9.Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He’s lucky … (give) a second chance.


Ответ дал: alina040830


1.Do you spell; have; looks.

2.Have spent; misheared.

3.Had shoplifted; taking; putting.

4.have been sunbathing.

5. be taken

6.has changed; has been working; decided.

7.are followed

8.have you been singing

9.been given

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