Fill in: at,to,by,or in. Last summer, 1 at the end of July, I went 2 …… Nottingham to visit a friend who was 3 …… university there. I arrived 4 …… the afternoon and went 5 …… bus to my friend's house, which is 6 …… the suburbs of the town, 7 …… 123, Park Manor Road. My friend wasn’t 8 …… home, so I waited until she got back 9 …… 5 o’clock. 10 …… the evening we went out to have a drink 11 …… the oldest pub 12 …… England, which was built 13 …… the 13th century.


Ответ дал: katamaranchiik


2) to

3) at

4) at

5) by

6) in

7) in?

8) at

9) at

10) at

11) to

12) in

13) in

Ответ дал: Max2937
2 in
3 at
4 to
5 by
6 in
7 at
8 at
9 at
10 in
11 in
12 in
13 at
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