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Ответ дал: serik19810409a


1.He is loving London at the moment.

2.She is working at the moment.

3.I like these cakes.

4.My son study a lot these days.

5.They don't eat enough vegetables these days.

6.What do you do tomorrow?

7.Do you know your neighbors?

8.I am hating food at the moment.

9.They are going to the cinema tonight.

10.What are you this wording mean?

11.They are walking to the station now.

12.We are meeting tonight.

13. I am not understanding.

14.I'm not owning a car just now.

15.She sites in the garden.

16.He is wanting a new laptop at the moment.

17.What are you needing today?

18.He reads a lot these days.

19.That dog belongs to Lucy.

20.Julie is staying here at the moment.

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