Задание 1.
Вставьте наречие в нужное место
1. George walks to work(always)
2. Sandra watches TV. (never)
3. You don’t go running(often)
4. Sarah works late at the office(often) 5. I go to work by bus(usually)
6. Tom invites us to stay at Christmas(always)
7. I make silly mistakes in exams(often) 8. We do our shopping at Greenway(sometimes)
Задание 2. Составьте вопросы
1. What/usually have for breakfast?
2. How many cups of coffee/drink a day?
3. Where/usually have lunch?
4. How often/eat out a week?
5. /Prefer eating at home or eating out?
6. /need to buy any food today?
7. /you hungry ?/ want something to eat?
8. /try to eat healthy at the moment?


Ответ дал: TemplarM8

Ответ: 1. George always walks to work

2. Sandra never watches TV.

3. You often don't go running.

4. Sarah ofter works late at the office.

5. I usually go to work by bus.

6. Tom always invites us to stay at Christmas.

7. I often make silly mistakes in exams.

8. Sometimes we do our shopping at

Задание 2.

What you usually have for breakfast?

How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

Where are you usually have lunch?

Where are you preger eating at home or eating out?

Do you need to buy any food today?

Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?

Are you trying to eat healthy at the moment?


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