1 Do you have many friends?

2 Who’s your best friend?

3 How old is he/she?

4 What’s his/her name?

5 When and where did you make friends?

6 Do you like to make new friends?

7 Do friends always have the same interests?

8 What interests does your friend have?

9 Is it easier to find or to lose a good friend?

10 Are you a true/reliable friend?

11 Friendship helps people to be more cheerful and self-confident, doesn’t it?

12 Why do people need friends?

13 What role does friendship play in your life?
Помогите составить сочинение!!!!!


Ответ дал: sanjarshagazatovv


yes, i have a lot friends

my best friends (имя твоего друга)

he is (его возраст) years old

his name is (его имя)

we became friends long ago in, at (место где вы познакомились)

yes, I'm lot like

no sometimes interested are different

he have is interested sport and study

easier to lose

i think yes

yes and very often

without friends, a man will be left alone

friendship plays a very important role in my life, because most of the time I spend with friends

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