Write sentences using Past Simple
1. He ___ (go) to the park.
2. Antony ____ (not be) in the cinema last Sunday.
3. ____ you ___ (send) a letter yesterday? No, _____
4. Mark ______ (think) that you are shy.
5. My parents ____(not drive) a car two days ago.
6. ___ your uncle____ (buy) a red jacket? Yes, ______. It ____ (be) perfect.
7. I ____ (want) to catch a fish.
Решите прошу срочно сдать надо


Ответ дал: morganyu451

Ответ: 1)went, 2)wasn't, 3) sent, 4) thought, 5) didn't drive, 6) bought/ Yes, he did/ was, 7)wanted


Ответ дал: Hsquad06
1. Went
2. Wasn’t
3. Did, send, I didn’t
4 thought
5. Didn’t drive
6. Did, buy, he did, was
7. Wanted
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