Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.
1. When Simon (ring) me up, I (talk) to him.
2. If it (rain), we (stay) at home.
3. I (buy) some cheese if there (be) some in the market.
4. We (learn) English when we go to school.
5. If the weather (be) bad, I (read) a book.
6. If there (be) snowy we (make) a snowman.
7. We (do) it when John (come).


Ответ дал: marilynnn
1. Rang, Talked
2. Raining, will stay
3. Will buy, be(?)
4. Learned
5. is, read
6. be, will make
7. will do, comes

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