D. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. A lot of money
(spend) on this film last year.
2. Nowadays, most tickets
(buy) online
3. Some information about the accident
on the news yesterday.
4. This road
(avoid) by most drivers because it's
5. The Live 21 concert last week
(watch) by
thousands of people.
6. The actors
(award) for their fantastic performance,​


Ответ дал: gulderajymz20


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. A lot of money

(spent) on this movie last year.

2. Currently, most tickets

(Bought online)

3. Some information about the accident.


on the news yesterday.

4. This road

(avoided) by most drivers because it is


5. Concert Live 21 last week.


thousands of people.

6. Actors

(awarded) for their fantastic performance,


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