8 предожений со словами : "and,because,but,so"


Ответ дал: wwxteq


my friend and I go for a walk every day.

I will be at home tomorrow because I am ill (болею )

I like today's weather but my friend doesn't ( в данном случае but= а )

so many birds are sitting here

I am eating vegetables now and my mum too

I don't do it because I don't like it

I don't want to go to school but I need

I said about it. so now I am thinking that I am right

Ответ дал: ernurjapar


We stayed at home because it rained.

I don't ha ve much time but we can have a coffee.

I'm cold and hungry.

My friends and I just got back from Ireland.

I left my hotel room and went to the beach.

Tom was absent from school because he was sick.

Children cry because they want to eat.

Everything is so strange.

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