4 Put the verb fron bracket in Present - Simpl I ysualy (watch) TV after dinner.
-She (not go) to school every Day.
-We (eat) brealfast every Day at 7 o'clock.
- she (play) the guitar?
-You never (wash) your hands after using bathroom.
-His dog. (bark) at everyone.
- you (like) Pizza?
-They always (not play) soccer on Mundays.
-He rarely (borrow) books from a library.
-Students always (leave) doing their homework for the last moment.
- they (drink) coffe every morning.
-Tom (not cry) every Day.
-What Tom (read) every Sunday.
-We (love) drinking orange juice. ​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

- I usually watch TV after dinner.

- She does not go to school every Day.

- We eat breakfast every day at 7 o'clock.

- Does she play the guitar?

- You never wash your hands after using bathroom.

- His dog barks at everyone.

- Do you like pizza?

- They always do not play soccer on Mondays.

- He rarely borrows books from a library.

- Students always leave doing their homework for the last moment.

- They drink coffeе every morning.

- Tom does not cry every day.

- What does Tom read every Sunday?

- We love drinking orange juice. ​

I / We / You / They + V;  She / He / It + V + s (es);  I / We / You / They + do not (don’t) + V;  She / He / It + does not (doesn’t) + V;  Do + I / we / you / they + V ?  Does + she / he / it  + V ?

alexminaev: Здравствуйте, а вы не разбираетесь в информатике?)
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