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6 Make changes in the sentences so that they are correct. There is one correct sentence. 1 Becky has got two brothers. Becky has got one brother. 2 Becky's family have got a new cat. 3 Kate does her homework at school. 4 Tom goes to football matches with his friend. 5 Becky's school is a long way from her home. 6 Becky doesn't like studying. 7 Becky asks Tessa to go on holiday with her. ​
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Ответ дал: nilufarmurtazayeva4

2. Becky has got a new cat.

3. Kate does her homework at home.

4. Tom and his friend go to football matches.

5. Becky's school is far from her home.

6. Becky hates studying.

7. Becky says Tessa to go on holiday with her.

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